We Are The World

Música, Para reflectir, Vídeos
por himem @ 13:36
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Fica aqui o meu tributo a uma das melhores músicas de sempre,
por tudo que é e significa.

“We Are the World” is a 1985 song and charity single recorded by the supergroup USA for Africa. It was written by Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie, and co-produced by Quincy Jones and Michael Omartian for the album We Are the World. Following Band Aid’s “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” project in the UK, an idea for the creation of an American benefit single for African famine relief came from activist Harry Belafonte, who, along with fundraiser Ken Kragen, was instrumental in bringing the vision to reality. Several musicians were contacted by the pair, before Jackson and Richie were assigned the task of writing the song. Following several months of working together, the duo completed the writing of “We Are the World” one night before the song’s first recording session, in early 1985. The last recording session for the song was held on January 28, 1985. The historic event brought together some of the most famous artists in the music industry at the time.

The song was released on March 7, 1985, as the only single from the album. A worldwide commercial success, it topped music charts throughout the world and became the fastest-selling American pop single in history. The first ever single to be certified multi-platinum, “We Are the World” received a 4× certification by the Recording Industry Association of America. However, the song garnered mixed reviews from journalists, music critics and the public. Fans enjoyed hearing racially and musically diverse recording artists singing together on one track, and felt satisfied in buying “We Are the World”, knowing that the money was going to charity. Other individuals, such as those in the rock community, were disappointed that the song did not challenge why famines occur in the first place, and felt that the lyrics were self-aggrandizing.

Honored numerous times—including three Grammy Awards, one American Music Award and a People’s Choice Award—the song was promoted with a critically received music video, a home video, a special edition magazine, a simulcast, and several books, posters and shirts. The promotion and merchandise aided the success of “We Are the World”, which was eventually named the biggest selling single of all time. As of 2009, it has sold more than 20 million units and raised over $63 million for humanitarian aid in Africa and the US. “We Are the World” demonstrated that diverse musicians could productively work together, and further influenced the movement within pop music to create songs that address humane concerns.

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2 Respostas para “We Are The World”

  1. Math Cool Teacher Diz:

    Foi de facto uma grande música e recorda-me ainda hoje esta época do natal! …
    Mas numa época em que as coisas representavam menos o consumo :(
    Nós somos o mundo…Mas não conseguimos muda-lo para algo melhor!!!…
    Porque tenho a sensação que tudo muda para pior???

  2. himem Diz:

    concordo contigo. é uma música que desde sempre adorei.

    só ha pouco tempo soube que foi o Michael Jackson um dos autores.

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